Question? Answers from our cancer experts

Does growing up in a household with smokers qualify someone for a low-dose CT lung cancer screening?
Stock photo of a doctor looking at lung X-ray with a patient
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends annual screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) in adults aged 50 to 80 years who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. Stock photo from Getty Images

Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer in the U.S. and although new precision therapies have helped curb its high mortality rate, both smokers and nonsmokers continue to be diagnosed with various forms of this cancer due to commercial tobacco use, radon, air pollution and other drivers of the disease.

Preventive lung cancer screening, used to detect whether a tumor is beginning to grow, has been available for around a decade. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force currently recommends adults between 50 and 80 who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and who currently smoke (or have quit within the past 15 years) receive a low-dose computed tomography (CT) every year.

Unfortunately, recent research from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center found nearly half of people with “positive” lung cancer screening CTs, (and positive is not good in cancer) had delays in their follow-up. As a result, some of these people had their cancers diagnosed at a later stage. Early detection works best when any suspicious findings caught on a scan are investigated.

But what about people who don’t smoke but live or work or play around those who do?   

A regular Fred Hutch News reader wondered if low-dose CT lung cancer screening was available for nonsmokers who grew up around people who smoked, a perfect question during November, Lung Cancer Awareness Month.

Fred Hutch pulmonogist Dr. Matty Triplette in a blue button-down shirt
Pulmonogist Dr. Matthew Triplette is the medical director of Fred Hutch's Lung Cancer Early Detection and Prevention Program. Fred Hutch file photo

Is lung cancer screening recommended for individuals who did not smoke, but lived in a smoking household with second-hand smoke most of their life?               — Susan in Edmonds

For answers, we tapped Fred Hutch pulmonologist and cancer prevention researcher Matthew Triplette, MD, MPH, who said this is not an uncommon question, but is one that “can be tough to give a satisfying answer to.”

“Essentially every test or procedure we do has both potential risks and potential benefits,” Triplette explained, going on to add low-dose CT screening for lung cancer has been demonstrated to be helpful in patients of a certain age with a personal high-risk smoking history, but that it has not yet been demonstrated to be equally helpful in other groups.

Did you know?

Fred Hutch offers comprehensive tobacco cessation services to all Fred Hutch patients and families. For more information, call Fred Hutch Living Tobacco-Free Services at


Representatives can meet with you in person or remotely. This service is provided to all current Fred Hutch patients, caregivers and family members. Click here for more information on Tobacco Free Services. Or search here to learn about research trials around quitting smoking. 

“While we know family history and second-hand smoke can contribute to lung cancer risk, the highest risk group remains those with a substantial smoking history,” he said. “We definitely worry about the potential harms of screening people at lower risk for lung cancer including radiation risk and procedural harms.”

Currently, Triplette said low-dose CT screening is only recommended for people who meet the smoking criteria, but said the criteria is under continuous evaluation.

“This is definitely something that’s worth bringing up with your primary care physician and having a more personalized discussion about,” he added.

Read more about the signs, symptoms and causes of lung cancer and/or check out the latest lung cancer research being done at Fred Hutch. 

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