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Fumar o vapear, tóxicos por igual
Laboratorio de Fong, Departamento de Ciencias de Transferencia y de Terapéutica

Searching for the ‘smoking gun’ that explains lung cancer in never-smokers
From The Berger Lab, Human Biology Division

Tricking cells into trashing cancer
Fred Hutch chemical biologist rapidly reduces lung tumors in mice with a tagging system that grabs cancer-causing proteins and hauls them out with the molecular trash

Starting the year smarter
How patients, providers, researchers and others stay informed amid a deluge of data and information

The Beam: Dr. Annemarie Shepherd on proton therapy for thymic cancers; NAPT celebrates successes and meet Dr. Winston Vuong
Why proton therapy is a good option for thymomas, national proton therapy news and the newest genitourinary specialist at the proton therapy facility

Encouraged by a physician he saw in the Philippines, stage 3 lung cancer patient turned to Fred Hutch
Proton therapy was the right treatment plan for Gerardo Bada

Uncovering a player responsible for boosting RIT1 protein abundance and cancer promoting activity
From the Berger Lab, Human Biology Division

20 years since Fred Hutch president helped make EGFR discovery, woman with stage 4 lung cancer is thriving
Dr. Tom Lynch described how targeted therapies could dramatically improve patient outcomes

A look at four lives: what life is like years after proton therapy
Four patients share their experience and advice

Targeted new approach and computational tools reveal lung cancer subtypes hiding in patterns in cell-free DNA
Innovative strategy a step toward liquid biopsy to detect, monitor aggressive small cell lung cancer

Clinical trials excluding fewer cancer patients with brain ‘mets’
In other news, 1 in 5 people with cancer participate in research studies

Question? Answers from our cancer experts
Does growing up in a household with smokers qualify someone for a low-dose CT lung cancer screening?

For a fourth bout of cancer – of the lung this time – Art turned to proton therapy
After three bouts with lymphoma, Art now faced lung cancer.

Smoking cessation trial for American Indian and Alaska Native people funded
Digital intervention to focus on ethnic groups with ‘highest rates of commercial cigarette smoking’ in the U.S.

Don’t forget the F/U after your lung cancer screening
Fred Hutch study finds nearly half of people with ‘positive’ lung cancer screening CTs had delays in their follow-up, advancing disease in some

Cancer and the LGBTQ+ community
From structural barriers and binary patient forms to gendered diseases, ‘queer cancer’ can be fraught with bias and bad assumptions

Macrophages "eat" tumor-derived microparticles to undergo a metabolic switch
From the Headley Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Lung cancer expert Dr. McGarry Houghton receives Satya and Rao Remala Family Endowed Chair
New sustained funding will represent Fred Hutch’s first endowed chair for lung cancer

Mutant KRAS signaling drives alternative splicing in lung cancer cells
From the Berger Lab, Human Biology Division