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Fred Hutch receives funding to advance Indigenous cancer health equity
Cooperative agreement will support work on smoking cessation, lung cancer screening, patient navigation and more

Reduce smoking rates with a behavioral activation mHealth app: a pilot study on Actify!
From the Heffner research group, Public Health Sciences Division

When to do what to reduce your risk of cancer
A handy decade-by-decade guide for recommended screenings and other preventive actions

Winning the Battle Against Smoking: A Digital-Medication Approach
From the Bricker research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Question? Answers from our cancer experts
Does growing up in a household with smokers qualify someone for a low-dose CT lung cancer screening?

3 new grants power colorectal cancer studies
Research will focus on CRC in Alaska Native people, gene + environment interactions and how systemic racism impacts care

Cancer and the LGBTQ+ community
From structural barriers and binary patient forms to gendered diseases, ‘queer cancer’ can be fraught with bias and bad assumptions

Hutch trial will test new app to help teens stop vaping
Smoking cessation expert to adapt adult quit-smoking app for kids under 18; pilot trial will test its efficacy in 200 self-consenting teens

Science Says: Renew, refocus, reduce risk
Lowering risk of cancer through the science of prevention

7 ways to science your life for the coming year
Researchers share evidence-based strategies for managing your health during yet another uncertain year

Hopes and predictions for 2022
Hutch researchers look ahead to an increase in cancer screening, improved vaccines and greater trust in science

Smartphone applications to help American Indians and Alaska Natives quit smoking
From the Bricker Group, Division of Public Health Sciences

Tip Sheet: New COVID-19 transmission study, returning to school, video of biorepositories — and a new weight loss study
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Fred Hutch eyes the future of weight loss
Successful pilot study uses acceptance and commitment phone therapy to help people lose weight; new $3.7M grant will launch full-scale trial

Tip Sheet: COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 and cancer patients, smoking cessation apps, structural racism in medicine – and more
Below are summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news with links for additional background and media contacts.

Improving apps to help cancer patients quit smoking
Fred Hutch cancer prevention researcher awarded $3.5M NCI grant to run randomized trial of smartphone health apps

Answers to cancer, and now COVID-19
NCI’s Cancer Information Service, housed at the Hutch, fills a vital gap between patient and provider, especially amid a pandemic