Dr. Toshio Tsukiyama elected to American Academy of Microbiology

Longtime Basic scientist revealed dynamic nature of DNA packaging and how cells exploit it to enter and exit dormancy
Dr. Toshio Tsukiyama
Dr. Toshio Tsukiyama's election to the American Academy of Microbiology recognizes his contributions to our understanding of chromatin, the complex of DNA and packaging proteins that facilitates DNA organization. He helped reveal its dynamic nature and showed how important this dynamism is for chromatin's various functions within the cell. Photo by Robert Hood / Fred Hutch News Service

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center DNA-packaging expert Toshio Tsukiyama, PhD, DVM, was elected to the American Academy of Microbiology class of 2024. Members undergo a peer-reviewed election process to join the honorific leadership group within the American Society of Microbiology. Membership recognizes scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology.

A longtime member of Fred Hutch’s Basic Sciences Division, Tsukiyama uses yeast to study chromatin, the complex of DNA and DNA-packaging proteins that allow minuscule cells to cram meters of DNA inside. Our understanding of chromatin has undergone a sea change over the course of Tsukiyama’s career, from inert cellular “brick” to dynamic complex governed by carefully regulated chromatin modulators. Mutations in the factors that regulate chromatin have been linked to diseases like cancer.

Tsukiyama contributed to our understanding of chromatin’s dynamic nature and how central this changeability is to its function. His insights range from the specific to the broad-scale: He helped reveal individual molecules that alter chromatin and how they work, as well as how cells implement wide-scale chromatin changes that allow them to enter and exit a protective dormant state.

“Over the past 27 years, Toshi has made many important and fundamental contributions to the chromatin and gene regulation fields,” said Fred Hutch molecular biologist and fellow AAM member Steve Hahn, PhD, who nominated Tsukiyama. “Toshi has an impressive record of innovative and high impact research, and an outstanding record of teaching and mentoring. Toshi’s research is a great model for showing how basic biological research in a model organism reveals important fundamental mechanisms used in all eukaryotes.” 

Unlike bacteria, eukaryotes (which include humans and yeast) separate their DNA from the rest of the cell’s inner workings by storing it in the nucleus. A human cell’s nucleus holds two meters, or nearly six-and-a-half feet, of DNA.

“If the nucleus were the size of a grapefruit — about four inches in diameter — the length of DNA inside it would be something like 12 miles,” Tsukiyama said. “So the level of compaction that the DNA has to undergo to fit inside the nucleus is just enormous.”

But a cell can’t just stuff DNA inside its nucleus willy-nilly. It must keep its DNA organized enough that it can access the genes it needs to work properly. That set of genes will differ by cell type and cell state. Cells from yeast to human have evolved a suite of proteins that help compact DNA, and tighten or loosen this compaction to enable (or inhibit) gene expression.

Which regions are tighter or looser can change rapidly as cells move between different cell states, as when a cell moves from a non-dividing into one that allows it to turn on new genes and duplicate its DNA as it prepares to divide in two.

But when Tsukiyama began studying chromatin, this changeability was unrecognized, he said: “They thought it was just a ‘brick’ you need to have to store genetic information.”

Many scientists found chromatin about as interesting as a brick, too. Scientists focusing on chromatin were few and far between. The few who did found themselves relegated to little-attended corners of scientific conferences. Tsukiyama helped the field reevaluate.

He received a doctorate of veterinary medicine from Obihiro University and his PhD from Hiroshima University in Japan. Tsukiyama then joined the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, MD, for his postdoctoral work. There, he discovered a chromatin-remodeling factor that uses adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, the molecular “gasoline” that powers our enzymes.

In other words, he showed that chromatin changes result from an active, not passive, process.

“This groundbreaking discovery helped usher in the recognition that chromatin architecture is dynamic and that defects in this process play an important role in gene expression and human disease,” Hahn said in his nomination letter.

Early in his career at Fred Hutch, Tsukiyama studied other chromatin remodeling factors and helped show how they work. The most basic unit of DNA packaging is the nucleosome, a wagon wheel-shaped complex around which DNA wraps like yarn around a spool. The more nucleosomes a stretch of DNA wraps around, the tighter, more compact and harder to access it becomes. Tsukiyama demonstrated, for the first time, that a chromatin-remodeling protein called Isw2 can alter chromatin by sliding nucleosomes along DNA.

A major function of chromatin is to control gene transcription, but Tsukiyama revealed that chromatin remodelers play other important roles. He found that the nucleosome-sliding protein Isw2 collaborates with another protein to control the replication of DNA during cell division. Tsukiyama also discovered that these proteins regulate the number of copies of the genetic code for ribosomal RNA, an essential component of a cell’s protein-making machinery.

About 15 years ago, he teamed up with Fred Hutch geneticist Linda Breeden, PhD, to study quiescence, a dormant state that protects cells from stressors like extreme temperatures or lack of food.

“We immediately realized what an interesting system it is, because chromatin undergoes a huge transition,” Tsukiyama said.

When yeast cells enter quiescence, they turn off most genes and stringently compact their DNA, shrinking their nuclei by 40%. Levels of RNA, the precursor molecule to protein, are 15-30 times lower than in actively dividing cells.

Quiescence is also important in human health and disease.

Skin stem cells lie dormant until they need to “wake up” and produce more skin cells to heal a wound. In cancer, quiescence helps some tumor cells withstand chemotherapies that kill off fast-dividing cells, leaving them free to seed new tumors.

It didn’t take long for Tsukiyama to go all-in on studying quiescence and the incredible wide-scale chromatin changes that occur as the dormant state is built and then dismantled. He revealed the extent of gene shut down and chromatin compaction that occurs in quiescence. His team also showed how chromatin modulators help regulate entry into quiescence and demonstrated that a protein called condensin helps ensure gene repression in large loops of DNA.

Tsukiyama has also shed light on how “sleeping” cells can move out of quiescence, which happens at an amazing speed, he said.

“Quiescence is formed over seven days [as food levels decline], and then the yeast can live for a long, long time,” he said. “But you drop them in rich media, and within 30 minutes, RNA levels are as high or higher than before quiescence.”

His work has also revealed the molecules, including condensin, that help quiescence cells roar back to life.

“This election is fantastic recognition of Toshi’s important contributions to the chromatin field throughout his career. It is also wonderful to see a colleague who has dedicated so much time to mentoring and service to Fred Hutch be rewarded for his scientific achievements,” said Basic Sciences Division Director Sue Biggins, PhD.

Tsukiyama said he is also very proud of the careers his mentees have built for themselves, many establishing their own academic research groups. He has also extended his mentorship activities beyond his own team, teaching graduate students nearly every year and organizing a biannual graduate course on chromatin and gene transcription.

And he's stayed at the forefront of technology in a technology-driven field.

When Tsukiyama joined Fred Hutch, he was interested in a broad-scale view of genes and chromatin: the genome, or full collection of genes in an organism. The word genomics (and the many ‘omics’ to come) had yet to be coined, but Tsukiyama helped bring early genomic techniques to Fred Hutch and worked to stay at the forefront of innovations that can help us understand chromatin’s structure and function.

Technology is still showing how much there is to learn about how cells organize DNA. New super-resolution microscopes and genomics technologies have revealed that certain chromatin structures scientists saw in extracted chromatin can’t be found inside cells.

“This highlights how little is still known about how our genetic information is stored inside the nucleus,” Tsukiyama said. “It’s a fundamental issue, especially given that mutations in many regulators of chromatin structure have been linked to many diseases, including cancer.”

He’s honored by the recognition of his colleagues, he said.

“It was really nice feeling to hear that the people who I respect actually did a lot of work for me,” Tsukiyama said. “To know that they think I deserve this is very humbling.”

Tsukiyama was among 65 fellows elected to AAM this year, and joins Fred Hutch colleagues Hahn, Robert Eisenman, PhD, Michael Emerman, PhD, Denise Galloway, PhD, Harmit Malik, PhD, Nina Salama, PhD, and Gerald Smith, PhD. Galloway holds the Paul Stephanus Memorial Endowed Chair and Salama holds the Dr. Penny E. Petersen Memorial Chair for Lymphoma Research.


Sabrina Richards, a senior editor and writer at Fred Hutch Cancer Center, has written about scientific research and the environment for The Scientist and OnEarth Magazine. She has a PhD in immunology from the University of Washington, an MA in journalism and an advanced certificate from the Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program at New York University. Reach her at srichar2@fredhutch.org.


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