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Evolutionary cell biologist Dr. Grant King named a Hanna Gray Fellow
Long fascinated by life seen and unseen, King awarded eight years of funding to finish postdoctoral training at Fred Hutch and establish an independent lab

Priming the pump for future funding
Fred Hutch postdoctoral researchers win NIH training fellowship for pancreatic cancer and kinetochore projects

Cell biologist Dr. Susan Parkhurst named 2024 ASCB fellow
Fred Hutch researcher honored by American Society for Cell Biology discusses integrating generations of scientists through mentorship

La estructura del cinetocoro de una levadura termófila, ¡por primera vez!
Del laboratorio Biggins, División de Ciencias Básicas

For the first time! Kinetochore architecture of a thermophilic yeast
From the Biggins lab, Basic Sciences Division

Dr. Toshio Tsukiyama elected to American Academy of Microbiology
Longtime Basic scientist revealed dynamic nature of DNA packaging and how cells exploit it to enter and exit dormancy

Mechanical coupling helps microtubules coordinate chromosomal separation
From the Asbury lab, University of Washington and Biggins lab, Fred Hutch Basic Sciences Division, Cancer Consortium Cancer Basic Biology Program

Untangling the kinetochore
Dr. Changkun Hu named Jane Coffin Childs – HHMI Fellow; Boosts research into critical and complex molecular machine

Cbf1 hace las veces de policía de tránsito transcripcional para equilibrar la función del centrómero
Del laboratorio Biggins, División de Ciencias Básicas

Before cells divide, microtubule integrity and cell wall gene regulation are intertwined
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Searching beyond the streetlight to uncover functional protein domains
From the Paddison Lab, Human Biology Division

Cellular choke artist: Aurora B doesn’t perform well under pressure
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Cbf1 plays transcriptional traffic cop to balance centromere function
From the Biggins lab, Basic Sciences Division

Mps1: A new referee in a game of cellular tug-of-war
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Matsen, Bedford named Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators
Acclaimed computational biologists each awarded 7 years of funding

Pulling it together: Uncovering a role for chTOG at the kinetochores
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

How COVID-19 has opened science
An urgent search for answers promotes a faster, freer exchange of ideas

Dr. Tom Lynch on the impact of COVID-19 on science
A conversation with the Fred Hutch president and director about open science, modeling, training and more

Coronavirus outbreak puts 'open science' under a microscope
Quick release of data could stop an epidemic, disrupt how research is reported

Science on the horizon
Fred Hutch experts make predictions for science trends, advances in 2020