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El momento en que se administra la TAR para el VIH es más importante de lo que imaginábamos
De los grupos de los doctores Edlefsen y Frenkel, Consorcio Oncológico

Timing of ART administration for HIV is more important than we thought
From the Edlefsen and Frenkel Groups, Cancer Consortium

CAR T cell therapy targets HIV reservoirs to mitigate persistent HIV infection
From the Corey Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

How we measure success matters when evaluating HIV therapies
From Dr. Dan Reeves, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Proliferation, proliferation, proliferation! Driver of HIV reservoir
From the Schiffer Group, Clinical Research Division

Herpesvirus infections may affect the size of the HIV reservoir in ART-treated children
From the Lehman lab, Human Biology Division, and the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington

Models identify cellular proliferation as driver of HIV persistence
From the Schiffer group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Persistent HIV infection works a lot like cancer, study shows
Ecology-inspired analysis suggests why reservoirs of HIV linger in treated patients

Why volunteer for an HIV cure study?
Why volunteer for an HIV cure study? A community group undertakes its own research to find out

Can Timothy Ray Brown’s HIV cure be repeated?
'Patient B' joined a Boston research study to find out: Gary Steinkohl’s story — and legacy

Jerome, Kiem lead $20 million study to cure HIV
Five-year, federally funded research will test transplantation of gene-modified immune cells