Hutch News

In the crosshairs:  herpesvirus 6B as a potential cause of idiopathic pneumonia

In the crosshairs: herpesvirus 6B as a potential cause of idiopathic pneumonia

From the Hill and Boeckh groups, Vaccine and Infectious Disease and Clinical Research Divisions
Science SpotlightFebruary 21, 2024
Switching from KSHV latency to lytic replication

Switching from KSHV latency to lytic replication

From the Geballe lab, Human Biology Division & Cancer Consortium
Science SpotlightMarch 20, 2023
A new take on having skin in the game

A new take on having skin in the game

From the Zhu lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
Science SpotlightOctober 17, 2022
Can gene editing cure herpes?

Can gene editing cure herpes?

Fred Hutch study shows ‘pathway to potential cure’ for herpes simplex and other latent viruses
Hutch NewsSeptember 08, 2016