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Detecting, detecting! A qPCR assay to detect WPRE sequences in CAR-T and TCR-T cells
From the Yeung lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics and Clinical Research Division

Abnormal bone marrow findings post CAR-T cell therapy help uncover responses to treatment
From the Yeung and Naresh labs, Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Division

A path opens for precise analyses of breast cancer proteins
Paulovich lab runs CLIA-cleared tests to find patients appropriate for new HER2-targeted therapies

Genomic aberrations should not be overlooked in myelodysplastic syndromes
from Drs. Cecilia Yeung and Min Fang, Clinical Research Division

Mustang Bio licenses Fred Hutch CD20 CAR-T immunotherapy for lymphoma trial
New type of immunotherapy for people with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Dr. Cecilia Yeung awarded Hyundai Scholar Hope Grant for childhood leukemia research
Yeung developing test to diagnose acute leukemia earlier, provide personalized treatment

Fred Hutch scientist awarded Hyundai Scholar Hope Grant for childhood leukemia research
$250,000 grant to support Dr. Cecilia Yeung’s work on pediatric acute leukemia

Pathologist Yeung joins Clinical Research Division
Cecilia Yeung’s research focuses on the molecular signatures of lymphomas, leukemias to guide diagnosis, treatment