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Could fecal microbiota transplantation help patients heal after stem cell transplantation?
Phase 2 clinical trial shows a safe dose from a specific donor helped with gut microbiome recovery in people with cancer

50 years of doing hard things
Founded in 1975 to honor a brother, Fred Hutch Cancer Center pursued bold science, pioneered a cure for blood diseases that changed medicine and became a world-class biomedical research and clinical care institution

In the race to replicate, it’s better to think small-scale
From The Bedalov Lab, Human Biology and Translational Science and Therapeutics Divisions

Leonard and Norma Klorfine Endowed Chair for Clinical Research awarded to Dr. Geoffrey Hill
Funding will help facilitate inter-institutional collaboration and foundational data capture for immunological research

New tools in the pipeline for treating immune cell disorders
From the Walter Lab, Translational Sciences & Therapeutics Division

Cigarettes or vapes, pick your poison
From the Fong Lab, Translational Sciences & Therapeutics Division

Cracking the sparkle code
Fred Hutch cancer biologist wins V Foundation Scholar Award to explore role of protein sugaring in leukemia tumors that survive chemotherapy

Playing hide-and-seek with DTCs: new CAR-T therapy reduces risk of recurrent breast cancer
From the Ghajar Lab, Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions, and the Riddell Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

New initiative bolsters Washington state life sciences
Fred Hutch researchers awarded over $4M in grants from the Washington Research Foundation

Location, location, location: where is key for CAR T-cell therapy
From the Walter lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Why do our immune systems wane with age? Impaired thymus archiTECture might be one culprit.
From The Dudakov Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Understanding how microbial imbalances may influence Juvenile Dermatomyositis, a rare immune-mediated disease
From the Dey Lab, Pathogen Associated Malignancies Program of the Cancer Consortium

Fred Hutch launches Atlas of Inspiring Hispanic/Latinx Scientists
Online atlas recognizes contributions of Hispanic and Latinx scientists

‘Black hole’ formed by aging cells hobbles key immune organ’s function, regeneration
Collaborative project reveals non-functional cells that accumulate in aging thymus

A foamy way to improve cost, efficiency and safety of gene therapy
From the Stephan Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division