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New open source software empowers scientists to uncover immune secrets
'Infinity Flow’ adds machine learning to widespread, but limited, technology for analyzing single cells

Targeted single-cell RNA sequencing maximizes cellular information at a lower cost
From the Gottardo, Newell, and Prlic labs, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Adoptive transfer of engineered T cells prolongs survival in preclinical ovarian cancer
From the Greenberg lab, Clinical Research Division, and the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Stronger and faster is not always better
From the Riddell, Paulovich Labs, Clinical Research Division and Gottardo Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division.

Interrupting the Flow(Jo)
From the Gottardo Laboratory, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Breaking tolerance: a story of two mechanisms and one disease
Gottardo Laboratory, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division