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Fred Hutch to lead new federal Cancer Screening Research Network
Clinical trials will evaluate emerging technologies that screen for cancer

Is it cancer? A combination non-invasive approach to determine if indeterminate pulmonary nodules are cancerous
From Dr. Paul Lampe, Translational Research Program and Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of the Cancer Consortium, and Dr. Paul Kinahan, University of Washington.

New study identifies genetic changes in patients who progress to esophageal cancer
Findings in precancerous Barrett’s esophagus a step toward improved screening, prevention

Overdiagnosis of Breast Cancer
From the Etzioni Group, Public Health Sciences Division

Model Based Estimation of Colorectal Screenings during COVD-19
From the The Issaka Group, Division of Public Health Sciences

Simple questionnaire may lead to better ovarian cancer detection
Dr. Robyn Andersen of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Public Health Sciences Division leads first evaluation of paper-and-pencil symptom survey in a primary care clinic

Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for young women
SCCA finds noninvasive screening better for evaluating anomalies in women under 40