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Lehman launches Ugandan breast cancer early detection project
International GE cancer challenge nets seed funding for Connie Lehman, who aims to raise breast cancer survival rates through ultrasound use in rural women

NCI awards $7.5 million for new cancer screening statistical coordination center
Public Health Sciences Division’s Ziding Feng, Bill Barlow co-lead nationwide PROSPR program to reduce deaths, health care costs for breast, colon, cervical cancers

Safeway donates $1 million for breast cancer research and care
Gifts to Center, SCCA, UW continue company’s support of breast cancer efforts

10 tips for breast cancer survivors
No. 4 in a weekly series of tips during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

10 tips for breast cancer patients during treatment
No. 3 in a weekly series of tips during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

10 tips for breast cancer screening and early detection
No. 2 in a weekly series of tips during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

10 tips for breast cancer prevention
First in a weekly series of tips during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for young women
SCCA finds noninvasive screening better for evaluating anomalies in women under 40

Mobile mammography: Cancer-screening dream comes true
Thanks to local and national divisions of Safeway Inc., more women in Washington will gain access to opportunities for annual screening

The benefits of breast MRI
Connie Lehman's study, American Cancer Society guidelines support addition of MRI to mammography for cancer detection in opposite breasts

Breast density clearly a cancer risk factor
New model emphasizes denser breast tissue as a predictor of cancer risk