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Fred Hutch-led clinical trial shows new smartphone app helps smokers quit
JAMA Internal Medicine study shows iCanQuit app, based on acceptance and commitment therapy, is 1 1/2 times more efficacious than National Cancer Institute QuitGuide app, based on US clinical practice guidelines

How do we get teens to stop vaping?
As Washington state considers ban of flavored vapes, Fred Hutch research informs new quit-vaping app for teens and young adults

Smoking rate drops 20 percent in decade, CDC says
Results of large, national survey are 'major victory for public health,' experts say

Kicking butt: a look at smoking cessation through the decades
From ‘grandma groups’ to pharmacotherapy to online interventions, people will try just about anything to kick the habit

Getting ready to quit smoking? - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has the right opportunity for you

8 million lives saved over 50 years, study finds - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Surgeon General’s 1964 report spawned era of anti-smoking measures