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Tricking cells into trashing cancer
Fred Hutch chemical biologist rapidly reduces lung tumors in mice with a tagging system that grabs cancer-causing proteins and hauls them out with the molecular trash

Encouraged by a physician he saw in the Philippines, stage 3 lung cancer patient turned to Fred Hutch
Proton therapy was the right treatment plan for Gerardo Bada

Cigarettes or vapes, pick your poison
From the Fong Lab, Translational Sciences & Therapeutics Division

20 years since Fred Hutch president helped make EGFR discovery, woman with stage 4 lung cancer is thriving
Dr. Tom Lynch described how targeted therapies could dramatically improve patient outcomes

More to brain tumors than meets the eye
Fred Hutch researchers find new way to classify tumors based on their underlying biology rather than how they look

For a fourth bout of cancer – of the lung this time – Art turned to proton therapy
After three bouts with lymphoma, Art now faced lung cancer.

Science Says: The promise of precision medicine
How understanding unique traits of individuals and their cancers can lead to precise treatments

When more is more: Increased levels of wild-type and mutant RIT1 promote oncogenesis
From the Berger Lab, Human Biology Division

Anka’s story: thoracic cancer patient’s experience with proton therapy
West Seattleite adjusts to life after cancer

Science Says: Cracking the code in solid tumors
How scientists are developing targeted new therapies for cancers of the breast, lung, stomach and more