Hutch News

The lung cancer blame game

The lung cancer blame game

The shame, blame and stigma surrounding this deadly disease affects everything from patient follow-through to research funding
Hutch NewsNovember 22, 2017
Our smoking cessation expert answers questions on e-cigarettes and the FDA's push to limit nicotine

Our smoking cessation expert answers questions on e-cigarettes and the FDA's push to limit nicotine

Smoking cessation expert Dr. Jonathan Bricker weighs in on new studies and a federal effort to regulate an ‘astonishingly addictive’ drug
Hutch NewsAugust 01, 2017
State-by-state stats on smoking deaths

State-by-state stats on smoking deaths

Southern states, particularly those in Big Tobacco’s shadow, show higher percentage of cancer deaths due to cigarettes
Hutch NewsOctober 24, 2016
Former Wash. governor Christine Gregoire becomes Fred Hutch board chair

Former Wash. governor Christine Gregoire becomes Fred Hutch board chair

Christine Gregoire, former Washington governor and cancer survivor, continues her lifetime of advocating for others as Fred Hutch’s new board chair
Hutch NewsJuly 11, 2016
Smoking rate drops 20 percent in decade, CDC says

Smoking rate drops 20 percent in decade, CDC says

Results of large, national survey are 'major victory for public health,' experts say
Hutch NewsNovember 13, 2015
Yep, e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking

Yep, e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking

New study shows teens turn to tobacco after using e-cigs (and another one shows they’re using them to vape pot, too)
Hutch NewsSeptember 08, 2015
Female smokers: Dramatic rise in lung cancer mortality risk in past two decades

Female smokers: Dramatic rise in lung cancer mortality risk in past two decades

Study of 2.2 million adults confirms prediction that ‘if women smoke like men, they will die like men’
Hutch NewsJanuary 28, 2013