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New Fred Hutch initiative to foster inclusivity in science and health via art and dialogue
The Public Art and Community Dialogue Program will nurture connections between employees, underrepresented and targeted communities to shape the Hutch’s pursuit of scientific excellence through anti-racism, inclusion

Highlights of Fred Hutch science in 2021
From COVID-19 to cancer, Hutch scientists pursued new ideas to save lives

Community engagement ensures equitable inclusion in vaccine trials
New study from COVID-19 Prevention Network demonstrates impacts of engaging Black, Indigenous, people of color communities

Participant engagement in community based participatory research among Latino immigrant men
From the Ornelas Group and Torres Group

The pride of Fred Hutch
HIV Vaccine Trials Network veteran Steven Wakefield named a grand marshal in Seattle Pride Parade

A voice for HIV cure
As researchers work toward a cure, advocate Tranisha Arzah keeps the focus on community

Health disparities in breast cancer and beyond
A Q & A with Dr. Beti Thompson and patient advocate Bridgette Hempstead about the science of equity and how to empower the underserved