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Identification of potent and broadly-neutralizing antibodies against sarbecoviruses including SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2
From the Overbaugh lab, Human Biology Division

HIV’s secret sweet tooth: T cell glycosylation determines variant entry
From the Overbaugh Lab, Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Bottleneck breakthrough
Fred Hutch researchers discover why some HIV-1 variants are more transmissible than others, which could generate new approaches to stop the virus that causes AIDS at cell entry

Vaccine targets that accommodate evolving SARS-CoV-2 variants
From the Overbaugh Lab, Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Differential immune responses between mothers and their infants to SARS-CoV-2
From the Overbaugh and Lehman Groups, Human Biology Division

The impact of antibodies to other coronaviruses on risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in mothers and infants
From the Lehman and Overbaugh Labs, Human Biology Division

A bit of hit and miss – how well antibody responses in pre-clinical models resemble human responses
From the Overbaugh Lab, part of the Human Biology Division

Hopes and predictions for 2022
Hutch researchers look ahead to an increase in cancer screening, improved vaccines and greater trust in science

Highlights of Fred Hutch science in 2021
From COVID-19 to cancer, Hutch scientists pursued new ideas to save lives

How studies of coronavirus immunity can inform better vaccines, treatments
Scientists look for broad-acting antibodies that could protect against new variants of SARS-CoV-2 — and maybe a future SARS-3

AIDS@40: Stories of hope and heroes
The people and the science devoted to stopping HIV

Tip Sheet: Latest research on COVID-19, health disparities, antibodies to parainfluenza, and neuron function
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Dr. Julie Overbaugh elected to National Academy of Sciences
HIV research revealed factors influencing transmission

Cracking the code of HIV-1 entry into macaque cells
From the Bloom lab (Basic Sciences Division) and Overbaugh lab (Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions).

Dr. Julie Overbaugh elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Her HIV research revealed factors that influence HIV transmission

Superinfection provides insights into HIV-1 reservoir dynamics
From the Overbaugh/Lehman lab, Human Biology Division.

Could an infant’s blood sample help model a better HIV vaccine?
Tracing the evolution of a baby’s special HIV-blocking protein

Fred Hutch’s Dr. Adam Dingens a 2019 Weintraub Award recipient
He is among 13 graduate students selected for this prestigious award in biological sciences

Cutting-edge approach maps HIV's escape routes
Atlas of immune-evading HIV mutations could inform design of new treatments, vaccines

HIV researcher Cassandra Simonich receives 2018 Graduate School Medal from University of Washington
Award honors her contributions to research and dedication to improving the lives of medically underserved populations