Hutch News

La eficacia de la vacuna contra el virus SARS-CoV-2 en países de América Latina

La eficacia de la vacuna contra el virus SARS-CoV-2 en países de América Latina

Del Grupo Gilbert, Divisiones de Vacunas y Enfermedades Infecciosas y de Ciencias de la Salud Pública
Science SpotlightApril 24, 2024
Fred Hutch to serve as national coordinating center for new Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander health studies

Fred Hutch to serve as national coordinating center for new Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander health studies

A $38.7 million federal grant will launch the program focusing on Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander health
News ReleasesSeptember 12, 2023
Campeona de la ciencia y la justicia social

Campeona de la ciencia y la justicia social

Una investigadora pionera en salud pública y de gran corazón, la Dra. Beti Thompson, se jubila después de más de 30 años de luchar por la equidad
Hutch NewsAugust 15, 2019
A champion of science and social justice

A champion of science and social justice

Big-hearted Dr. Beti Thompson, pioneering public health researcher, retires after 30-plus years of fighting for equity
Hutch NewsJuly 29, 2019
Latino provider joins SCCA network

Latino provider joins SCCA network

Partnership with Sea Mar Community Health Centers will mean better continuity of care for patients who receive treatment at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Hutch NewsAugust 03, 2009