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Infectious disease experts propose trials network dedicated to immunocompromised patients
ImmunOptimize workshop convened stakeholders across disciplines to brainstorm infectious disease clinical trials network designed to serve people with weakened immune systems

A promising HIV vaccine candidate gets a little help
New strategy stirs a robust response from T cells tracked by McElrath lab

Cancer clinical trials: Creativity in the face of COVID-19
Faced with a global pandemic, scientists prioritize safety, patient benefit

Experts discuss navigating cancer and cancer research during the pandemic
Hutch panelists offer their insights on how COVID-19 has impacted patients as well as their efforts to develop cancer treatments

Making clinical trial information more accessible
Dr. Heather Cheng wins NCI award to develop new ways to translate and educate patients and providers

How to boost cancer clinical trial participation
New study suggests loosening strict comorbidity criteria would open trials to thousands of previously exempt patients