Results per Page:

Novel regimen greatly reduced chronic GVHD in phase 2 study at Fred Hutch
Substituting cyclophosphamide for a standard post-transplant immunosuppressant is a “gamechanger”

Surprising findings about blood cell mutations bode well for transplant recipients
Fred Hutch researchers compared blood samples from 16 recipient-donor pairs, some more than 45 years after transplant

Navigating a brand-new cancer diagnosis
Fred Hutch nurse navigation program expands, reducing waiting time for new appointments and treatment

Fred Hutch and UW hematology/oncology fellows win ASCO Young Investigator Awards
Winners represent broad range of research

ONS Congress 2024: Rural telehealth, climate change and more
Fred Hutch nurses attend Oncology Nursing Society’s annual conference and gain new insights to bring back to their nursing practice

Novel chemoimmunotherapy approach shows promise for B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in phase 1 study at Fred Hutch
DA-EPOCH plus inotuzumab ozogamicin was “safe and highly active” in adults with relapsed or refractory disease

Dr. Bart Scott named Miklos Kohary and Natalia Zimonyi Kohary Endowed Chair
Chair recognizes a quarter-century of commitment to advancing MDS treatment and the opportunities ahead

What’s new in breast cancer research? SABCS 2023 takeaways
New drug combos for metastatic patients and a strong focus on toxicities at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Dr. Sara Hurvitz joins Fred Hutch, University of Washington
Longtime UCLA breast oncologist and international expert will be senior vice president of the Clinical Research Division

2022 Year in Review
A look at the most interesting and important stories of the past year

Experts discuss navigating cancer and cancer research during the pandemic
Hutch panelists offer their insights on how COVID-19 has impacted patients as well as their efforts to develop cancer treatments

Philanthropic support catalyzes audacious ideas, bold research
Support from thousands of donors gives researchers the time and resources they need to advance high-risk projects with immense potential

How to boost cancer clinical trial participation
New study suggests loosening strict comorbidity criteria would open trials to thousands of previously exempt patients

How new drugs become available to more patients
Filling in the unknowns on the balance between risk and benefit

New insights into CAR T-cell therapy's potential side effects
Detailed study of cytokine release syndrome and neurologic toxicities could help make emerging cancer immunotherapies safer

Patients treated at cancer centers live longer: study
Finding of survival-rate differences between cancer hubs and community hospitals spurs call to ‘figure out the gaps’

‘Totally meant to be’
Why this Seattle teacher was motivated to serve the Fred Hutch high school intern program

Study finds that microinjection platform enables assessment of multiple cancer drugs directly in tumors, predicts systemic response
Data published in Science Translational Medicine show positive findings using patented new technology with multiple cancer drugs tested in xenografted mouse models and canine patients > Results from first-in-human study in lymphoma patients confirm feasibility for toxicity-sparing assessment of drug efficacy in cancer patients