Hutch News

A misbehaving master mitochondrial regulator causes diabetes in mice

A misbehaving master mitochondrial regulator causes diabetes in mice

From The Hockenbery Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division
Science SpotlightSeptember 18, 2024
Fred Hutch eyes the future of weight loss

Fred Hutch eyes the future of weight loss

Successful pilot study uses acceptance and commitment phone therapy to help people lose weight; new $3.7M grant will launch full-scale trial
Hutch NewsMarch 31, 2021
Daily eating occasions and risk of type 2 diabetes

Daily eating occasions and risk of type 2 diabetes

From the Neuhouser Group, Public Health Sciences Division
Science SpotlightSeptember 21, 2020
Are we doing diet and nutrition research wrong?

Are we doing diet and nutrition research wrong?

A Q&A with public health researcher Dr. Ross Prentice on how to assess and improve studies of diet and chronic disease
Hutch NewsJanuary 28, 2020
Fruit fly study IDs missing links in fat-signaling system

Fruit fly study IDs missing links in fat-signaling system

Hormone alerts brain to fat-storage status, but its packaging system goes awry in obesity
Hutch NewsOctober 09, 2017
Low-glycemic-load foods may reduce inflammation in overweight adults

Low-glycemic-load foods may reduce inflammation in overweight adults

'Not all carbohydrates are created equal'; study led by Marian Neuhouser and Johanna Lampe finds a 'slow carb' diet may reduce heart disease, cancer risk
Hutch NewsJanuary 17, 2012