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A misbehaving master mitochondrial regulator causes diabetes in mice
From The Hockenbery Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

The importance of household food security in Diabetes management
From the Mendoza research group, Public Health Sciences Division

The new weight-loss drugs and cancer
What patients and doctors need to know when it comes to the popular new injections and pills

Fred Hutch eyes the future of weight loss
Successful pilot study uses acceptance and commitment phone therapy to help people lose weight; new $3.7M grant will launch full-scale trial

Daily eating occasions and risk of type 2 diabetes
From the Neuhouser Group, Public Health Sciences Division

When COVID-19 crosses paths with HIV
Survivors of one pandemic now brace for a new one

Are we doing diet and nutrition research wrong?
A Q&A with public health researcher Dr. Ross Prentice on how to assess and improve studies of diet and chronic disease

Blood micronutrients as biomarkers for major diseases
From the Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment group, Public Health Sciences Divisions

How to boost cancer clinical trial participation
New study suggests loosening strict comorbidity criteria would open trials to thousands of previously exempt patients

Top 10 tips to cut your cancer risk
Vegetables and exercise may not be glamorous, but they could save your life, expert report confirms

Dietary modification puts the brakes on diabetes progression
From the WHI Clinical Coordinating Center, Public Health Sciences Division

Fruit fly study IDs missing links in fat-signaling system
Hormone alerts brain to fat-storage status, but its packaging system goes awry in obesity

Healthy, affordable food hacks for holidays - and beyond
Public health studies show access to fruits and vegetables, nourishing recipes, nutritional nudges help us eat better for less

A nutrition and exercise expert and her science writer daughter discuss the motivation to stay healthy
A nutrition and exercise expert and her science writer daughter sit down for a conversation on motivation

Low-glycemic-load foods may reduce inflammation in overweight adults
'Not all carbohydrates are created equal'; study led by Marian Neuhouser and Johanna Lampe finds a 'slow carb' diet may reduce heart disease, cancer risk

Study finds a diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in overweight and obese adults
Such a diet also increases a hormone that helps regulate metabolism of fat and sugar

When it comes to the immune system, we're all more alike than previously thought, study finds
Finding may lead to new ways to detect, diagnose, and treat cancer and other diseases

Risk of second breast cancer may be higher in diabetics
Li study finds first-ever link between diabetes and two-fold increased risk of contralateral breast cancer

The ties that bind: mothers and offspring can share cells throughout life — with positive and negative effects
On Mother's Day May 11, give her flowers but amaze her with science