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Identification of potent and broadly-neutralizing antibodies against sarbecoviruses including SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2
From the Overbaugh lab, Human Biology Division

¿Necesito otra vacuna de refuerzo contra el SRAS-CoV-2?
Del Dr. Bo Zhang y laboratorios colaboradores, División de Vacunas y Enfermedades Infecciosas

How protective antibodies get in malaria’s way
Fred Hutch researchers’ structural insights help reveal weak spot in parasite’s mode of attack, could guide vaccine design

Laying the groundwork for a new cancer-preventive vaccine
Fred Hutch scientists garner large NCI award to uncover secrets of immune response to virus behind Kaposi sarcoma

Going straight to the source in defense against infant RSV
New anti-idiotype antibody a first step in possible strategy to build infant immunity during vulnerable window

Mining single cell transcriptomes for antibody gold
From the Goo Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Escaping flavivirus-neutralizing antibodies
From the Goo lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, and the Bloom lab, Basic Science Division

Unveiling HIV’s immune evasion tactics by identifying mutations that escape antibody neutralization
From the Bloom Lab, Basic Sciences Division

A promising HIV vaccine candidate gets a little help
New strategy stirs a robust response from T cells tracked by McElrath lab

Test of a new 'germline-targeting' HIV vaccine prepares to launch
Vaccine’s unique protein designed to start process of building powerful antibodies against AIDS virus

Hopes and predictions for 2022
Hutch researchers look ahead to an increase in cancer screening, improved vaccines and greater trust in science

A new path forward: A potential route to effective HIV vaccines
From the Overbaugh Lab, Human Biology Division

How studies of coronavirus immunity can inform better vaccines, treatments
Scientists look for broad-acting antibodies that could protect against new variants of SARS-CoV-2 — and maybe a future SARS-3

AIDS@40: Stories of hope and heroes
The people and the science devoted to stopping HIV

All immunogens are not created equal
From the Stamatatos lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Multi-step HIV-1 vaccines
From the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub.

Screening with bioinformatics for new dengue cross-serotype antibodies
From the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub.

Creating antibodies with antibodies
From the McGuire, Taylor, and Stamatatos labs, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Machine learning predicts HIV pseudovirus antibody neutralization
From the Gilbert group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Engineering vaccine-like protection without a vaccine
CRISPR gene-editing used on antibody-making B cells