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Altering a worm’s diet gives insight into a rare genetic disorder affecting proteasome function
From the Lehrbach Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Epithelial cells prevent neurons from “meandering”
From the Singhvi lab, Basic Sciences Division

It’s fun to stay (or move) at the Y. M. C. A.
From the Bai Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Sniffing out new discoveries
Epithelial cells in the head of a tiny worm play a critical role in protecting the structure and function of key nervous system cells

Neuron-glia love triangles at single-cell resolution
From the Singhvi Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Glial cells are more than our brain’s ‘glue’
Researchers uncover how underappreciated glia may play central role in sensory response

Retrotransposon protein CERV regulates viral gRNA nuclear export and forms giant nuclear rods in C. elegans
From the Priess Lab, Basic Sciences Division

A little nervous system with big learning potential
From the Singhvi Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Dr. James Priess shares Gruber Genetics Prize
$500K award honors contributions to understanding the genes and processes that control early development

Good Fat, Bad Fat, Gut Fat, Gonad Fat
From the Priess Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Too much of a good thing: pruning neurons to control behavior
From the Singhvi Lab, Basic Sciences Division

What can worms teach us about ourselves?
Why Dr. Jihong Bai looks for commonalities between tiny nematodes and us

Synthetic rewiring of damaged neural circuits
From the Bai lab, Basic Sciences Division

Like snowflakes, no two cells are alike
Study shows that differences in cells’ ability to turn genes into proteins change how mutations manifest; offers insights into disease risk

Worms taste bitterness
From the Bai lab, Basic Sciences Division

Dr. James Priess elected to National Academy of Sciences
Basic scientist selected for his contributions to understanding the genes and mechanisms involved in development

Tiny worm mazes allow researchers to ID genes linked to spatial perception, risk-taking
A chance observation led to a completely new area of behavioral research

The plastic fantastic brain: Why losing one sense rewires others
Study finds worms that can’t feel are better smellers — and the phenomenon is reversible

A first glimpse of real-time gene activity in a living animal
New technique will allow biologists to pinpoint how random chance affects cancer, aging

Turning back the clock: Fasting prolongs reproductive life span
Study in worms suggests how fertility in humans may be regenerated later in life