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Las células cancerosas también valoran a sus redes de apoyo familiar
Del laboratorio Eisenman, División de Ciencias Básicas, y del laboratorio MacPherson, División de Biología Humana.

El interruptor molecular para el exceso y la carencia de nutrientes tiene un mismo regulador
Del Laboratorio Rajan, División de Ciencias Básicas

Curiosity, connection and C. elegans
How a Fred Hutch worm study gives hope to families affected by an extremely rare genetic disorder

Getting a paw up in the cat-and-mouse game with the COVID-19 virus
Fred Hutch researchers invent method to quickly and safely test thousands of mutations to predict which ones could help the virus escape our defenses

Another look at leptin
Fred Hutch researchers discover molecular switch for an appetite-regulating hormone, reviving dashed hopes for an obesity drug

Septins: two complexes close the gap during wound repair
From the Parkhurst lab, Basic Sciences Division

Neuron-glia love triangles at single-cell resolution
From the Singhvi Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Acidic media favor entry of yeast into quiescence
From the Tsukiyama lab, Basic Sciences Division

Actin’s evolving roles: A multi-billion-year-old protein learns new tricks
From the Malik Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Pulling it together: Uncovering a role for chTOG at the kinetochores
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Is that a Chi site? How to fool a smart enzyme
From the Smith Laboratory, Basic Sciences Division

Pavarotti’s (actin) debut
From the Parkhurst lab, Basic Sciences Division

ADpred: a deep learning model for accurately predicting transcription activation domains
From the Hahn Lab (Basic Sciences Division), the Nobel lab (University of Washington), and the Söding lab (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry)

Good Ol' Fat: Fat accumulation and longevity in yeast
From the Gottschling and Parkhurst labs (Basic Sciences Division)

Mixing antibodies in silico: is more better?
From the Bloom Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Painting the vagus topographic map with a gRAdient
From the Moens Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Cracking the code of HIV-1 entry into macaque cells
From the Bloom lab (Basic Sciences Division) and Overbaugh lab (Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions).

Centromeric proteins find their own niche
From the Malik Lab, Basic Sciences Division