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Epithelial cells prevent neurons from “meandering”
From the Singhvi lab, Basic Sciences Division

Sniffing out new discoveries
Epithelial cells in the head of a tiny worm play a critical role in protecting the structure and function of key nervous system cells

Glial cells are more than our brain’s ‘glue’
Researchers uncover how underappreciated glia may play central role in sensory response

Eight Fred Hutch teams win Evergreen Fund awards
Research projects with commercial partnership potential receive grants of up to $200K

A little nervous system with big learning potential
From the Singhvi Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Too much of a good thing: pruning neurons to control behavior
From the Singhvi Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Tip Sheet: Latest research on COVID-19, health disparities, antibodies to parainfluenza, and neuron function
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Careful pruning guides neuron function
Accessory brain cells called glial cells nibble nerve cells to affect worm memory, behavior — even at the single-cell level