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Dr. Jesse Bloom named Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator
Biologist uses viruses to study molecular evolution

Dr. James Priess elected to National Academy of Sciences
Basic scientist selected for his contributions to understanding the genes and mechanisms involved in development

Good News: Drs. Grzelak, Anderson get Komen awards; Infectious Disease Sciences earns training grant; Drs. Bloom, Matsen named HHMI-Simons Faculty Scholars
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

The sixth samurai: Finding a gene that divides one species from another
How six male flies — among more than 300,000 females — led to the discovery of an evolution-driving gene

Fred Hutch geneticist and biologist Sue Biggins selected as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator
Flexible funding from the prestigious nonprofit will open new research doors

‘Every day something new’: Dr. Sue Biggins selected as HHMI investigator
Flexible support from the prestigious nonprofit will open new research doors

Fred Hutch evolutionary geneticist Harmit Malik selected as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator
Appointment provides the freedom to study genetic conflict that drives evolutionary change

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center's Harmit Malik selected as an HHMI investigator
Howard Hughes Medical Institute appointment provides freedom to study genetic conflict that drives evolutionary change

Malik Lab postdoc wins HHMI award
Nitin Phadnis receives three-year fellowship for research at the ‘intersection of evolutionary and molecular biology’

Adrian Ferré-D'Amaré named HHMI investigator
Molecular biologist wins support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for his innovative research into the diverse structures and capabilities of ribonucleic acid

Five Seattle Scientists Selected as Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators
'People, not projects' model means freedom and flexibility for HHMI investigators