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Fred Hutch Science Education Partnership receives $1.35M grant
The award will support new programming for students and teachers on health inequities

Science teachers devote summer vacation to boosting science education
Fred Hutch opens its labs to educators throughout the state

Remembering Fred Hutch's Dr. Harold Weintraub 20 years later
20 years after Dr. Harold Weintraub’s death, his life — and his research — are still making a difference

Six charities will receive donations from Game It Forward’s first-release ‘Quingo,’ which combines trivia questions and bingo - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Projects from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Kiva, PAWS, Seattle Children’s, Splash and The Martinez Foundation will benefit from the new iPad game

Science Education Partnership teacher Melissa Baker’s interest in mentor Matthias Stephan’s work is both professional and personal
Stephan studies ovarian cancer; Baker’s mother and great grandmother died of the disease

Science teachers join labs for summer at Fred Hutch - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
More than 20 science educators from throughout the state are participating

From Singapore to Seattle: Teachers Come From Far and Near to Hone Their Science-Teaching Skills at the Hutch
Award-winning Science Education Partnership program now in its 10th year