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Fred Hutch Science Education Partnership receives $1.35M grant
The award will support new programming for students and teachers on health inequities

Fred Hutch launches new scientific training program for high school and middle school teachers
Partners in Science 2.0 to train science teachers alongside Fred Hutch researchers making leading-edge advances in cancer research

Dedicated supporters at the Heart of the Hutch
Using creativity and passion to support Fred Hutch research in good times and bad

Fauci visits Fred Hutch, discusses pandemics, vaccines and scientific misinformation
NIAID director’s determined spirit recognized with honorary Hutch Award

Tip Sheet: How to diversify vaccine clinical trials, 30 years of science education, Trevor Noah talks to Hutch scientists — and more
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Lessons from the lab have a long reach
Science Education Partnership teachers pay it forward — to their students and beyond

Life lessons in genetics, race and social justice
Science Education Partnership’s free, open-source curriculum units help high schoolers separate bias from biology

Drs. Jeanne Ting Chowning, Denise Galloway receive Seattle AWIS awards
Honored for excellence in STEM education/outreach, science advancement and leadership

Fred Hutch receives $1.26M grant to boost science-education efforts
National Institute of General Medical Sciences award aims to attract underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

From student to scientist to mentor in Science Education Partnership
A science education program helped launch Louisa Pendergast’s research career. Now she’s helping mentor more science teachers at Fred Hutch.

Science Education Partnership celebrates 25 years bringing cutting-edge biology to Washington state classrooms
Director Dr. Nancy Hutchison to retire next month; SEP member Jeanne Chowning takes the reins

Science teachers dedicate summer vacation to improving science education Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Fred Hutch opens its labs to 20 science educators from throughout the state

Science Education Partnership teacher uses award funding to work and learn at Fred Hutch
Murdock Partners in Science Award-winner studying evolutionary biology in Katie Peichel’s lab