Hutch News

Oncohistones: A Vicious Cycle

Oncohistones: A Vicious Cycle

From the Henikoff lab, Basic Science Division, and the Olson lab, Clinical Research Division
Science SpotlightOctober 19, 2020
Actin gone wild

Actin gone wild

From the Malik lab, Basic Sciences Division
Science SpotlightDecember 16, 2019
Fruit fly study IDs missing links in fat-signaling system

Fruit fly study IDs missing links in fat-signaling system

Hormone alerts brain to fat-storage status, but its packaging system goes awry in obesity
Hutch NewsOctober 09, 2017
Study reveals how cells’ nuclei keep their shape

Study reveals how cells’ nuclei keep their shape

Scientists discover a protein that keeps cellular nuclei from shriveling, a hallmark of old age and the premature-aging disease progeria
Hutch NewsMarch 05, 2015
Discovery in fruit flies may provide insights into some poor prognosis leukemias

Discovery in fruit flies may provide insights into some poor prognosis leukemias

Finding from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Basic Sciences Division newly identifies key protein function, potential therapeutic target
Hutch NewsJanuary 14, 2013