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Sleepy cells rely on Sir2 to remodel their DNA landscape
From the Tsukiyama Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Acidic media favor entry of yeast into quiescence
From the Tsukiyama lab, Basic Sciences Division

Actively inactive: the regulation of RNA during quiescence in yeast cells
From the Tsukiyama Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Chromatin fibers: oh what a tangled web we weave
From the Tsukiyama Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Rude Awakening: examining the cell’s rapid recovery from quiescence
From the Tsukiyama lab, Basic Sciences Division

Condensing DNA in dormancy
From the Tsukiyama lab, Basic Sciences Division

Chromatin remodeling at the yeast ribosomal DNA locus
From the Tsukiyama lab, Basic Sciences Division

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center scientist wins three-year Leukemia & Lymphoma Society grant
Jeffrey McKnight's $165,000 Fellow Award will support studies into epigenetic changes associated with cellular quiescence in yeast