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Sleepy cells rely on Sir2 to remodel their DNA landscape
From the Tsukiyama Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Evolutionary cell biologist Dr. Grant King named a Hanna Gray Fellow
Long fascinated by life seen and unseen, King awarded eight years of funding to finish postdoctoral training at Fred Hutch and establish an independent lab

In the race to replicate, it’s better to think small-scale
From The Bedalov Lab, Human Biology and Translational Science and Therapeutics Divisions

Acidic media favor entry of yeast into quiescence
From the Tsukiyama lab, Basic Sciences Division

500 replication origins in the yeast genome? Try 5000!
From the Bedalov Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics and Human Biology Divisions

Actively inactive: the regulation of RNA during quiescence in yeast cells
From the Tsukiyama Lab, Basic Sciences Division

To Ψ or not to Ψ: how PUS1 knows where to pseudouridylate mRNAs
From the Stoddard lab, Basic Sciences Division

Grant King named a 2023 Damon Runyon Fellow
Malik Lab postdoc will study how cells handle extra-chromosomal DNA

Delineating transcriptional regulatory processes in yeast
From the Hahn Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Ssd1-2 RNA binding protein directs sporulation in response to stress
From the Breeden Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Rude Awakening: examining the cell’s rapid recovery from quiescence
From the Tsukiyama lab, Basic Sciences Division

Transcription factor binding: a sharp view of a fuzzy interaction
From the Hahn lab, Basic Sciences Division

Sharing is (not necessarily) caring: the evolution of cooperative behavior
From the Shou lab, Basic Sciences Division

SCAMPRing to get ahead: the enduring battle for supremacy between parasite and host
From the Malik Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Pulling it together: Uncovering a role for chTOG at the kinetochores
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

A ‘selfish gene’ that poisons its own host
Discovery of genes that divide two species in a simple fungus sheds light on complex evolutionary principles

How cells sense and respond to the outside world
Cells employ unexpected method to respond to environmental cues

How Dr. Barry Stoddard's science fueled promising therapy for glioblastoma — the disease that killed his mom
How Dr. Barry Stoddard's lab work helped create an experimental drug for glioblastoma — the same disease that killed his mother

‘Every day something new’: Dr. Sue Biggins selected as HHMI investigator
Flexible support from the prestigious nonprofit will open new research doors

Dr. Sue Biggins elected to National Academy of Sciences
Biologist honored for her research on how cells segregate chromosomes during division