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Clinical cancer research in the U.S. is increasingly dominated by pharmaceutical industry sponsors, study finds
Study underscores need for increased investment in federally funded cancer clinical trials

Curiosity, connection and C. elegans
How a Fred Hutch worm study gives hope to families affected by an extremely rare genetic disorder

More to brain tumors than meets the eye
Fred Hutch researchers find new way to classify tumors based on their underlying biology rather than how they look

Getting a paw up in the cat-and-mouse game with the COVID-19 virus
Fred Hutch researchers invent method to quickly and safely test thousands of mutations to predict which ones could help the virus escape our defenses

Another look at leptin
Fred Hutch researchers discover molecular switch for an appetite-regulating hormone, reviving dashed hopes for an obesity drug

Stalled science, missed mates and virtual everything
Torn between science and safety concerns, young scientists navigate a new normal as they try to launch their careers