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How to be a curestarter
A longtime Fred Hutch booster helps a promising genetic researcher parlay $100K into a $2.2M grant to explore innovative new therapies

New technique reveals cells’ tiny engines unexpectedly shrug off DNA damage from toxic chemicals
A precise new technique reveals that our cells’ engines, mitochondria, unexpectedly shrug off DNA damage from toxic chemicals

'Mother's Curse' mutation — harmful to males but not females — ID'd for the first time in animals
Study in fruit flies identifies a mutation in mitochondria — the energy factories of our cells — that harms males but not females

Study challenges previously held beliefs about the role of genetic mutations in colon cancer development
Discovery in mitochondrial DNA of colon cancer cells may open new avenues for cancer therapy, early detection and monitoring treatment response

Bielas wins $2.6 million environmental award
Early career grant funds studies of environmental exposures, DNA damage