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Cigarettes or vapes, pick your poison
From the Fong Lab, Translational Sciences & Therapeutics Division

Una clave de la metástasis del cáncer de mama se esconde en las diminutas cavidades entre las células
Del Laboratorio Cheung, Programa de cánceres de mama y ovario, Consorcio del cáncer.

Dead to me? Insights into a tumor’s necrotic core
Research from Cheung Lab reveals role for ‘dead zone’ within cancers as a launch system for metastatic spread

Structural landscape of DNA and precision medicine, firm handshake
From the Ha lab, Public Health Sciences and Human Biology Divisions

Accepting glowing cells as one’s own allows immune competent metastatic studies
From the Ghajar Lab, Public Health Sciences and Human Biology Divisions

Grad student Andrea Lim wins NCI award to study cancer metastasis
She studies how lymph nodes regulate tumor dormancy

Immune cells share their insides with tumors to promote cancer spread
New study in zebrafish and mice shows immune cells interact with melanoma and transfer their contents to spur metastasis

Good News: Dr. Cyrus Ghajar receives $1M from Keck Foundation to study why cancer doesn’t spread to skeletal muscle
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

New study estimates number of U.S. women living with metastatic breast cancer
First-ever estimate of women living with metastatic breast cancer shows these patients are living longer with disease

Inherited mutations tied to advanced prostate cancer
Genetic screening could help men with prostate cancer find better treatments — and alert family members to their own cancer risk

The science of cancer spread
The how and why of metastasis — and what it might take to stop it

New strides in metastatic breast cancer research give patients hope
New strides in metastatic breast cancer research and advocacy give patients, scientists hope

Shedding new light on breast cancer metastasis
Study reveals how cancer cells travel together, like ‘a gang of thugs’

Cyrus Ghajar receives $4.1M grant to study ways to prevent metastatic breast cancer
Investigating two different approaches: keeping dormant cells asleep or destroying them altogether

Study challenges previously held beliefs about the role of genetic mutations in colon cancer development
Discovery in mitochondrial DNA of colon cancer cells may open new avenues for cancer therapy, early detection and monitoring treatment response

Brain cell migration may offer clues to cancer metatasis
Cooper, Jossin find surprising new role for N-cadherin; finding could shed light on how normal and cancerous cells migrate within the body