Hutch News

Dead to me? Insights into a tumor’s necrotic core

Dead to me? Insights into a tumor’s necrotic core

Research from Cheung Lab reveals role for ‘dead zone’ within cancers as a launch system for metastatic spread
Hutch NewsFebruary 27, 2023
Immune cells share their insides with tumors to promote cancer spread

Immune cells share their insides with tumors to promote cancer spread

New study in zebrafish and mice shows immune cells interact with melanoma and transfer their contents to spur metastasis
Hutch NewsDecember 04, 2017
Shedding new light on breast cancer metastasis

Shedding new light on breast cancer metastasis

Study reveals how cancer cells travel together, like ‘a gang of thugs’
News ReleasesFebruary 01, 2016
Study challenges previously held beliefs about the role of genetic mutations in colon cancer development

Study challenges previously held beliefs about the role of genetic mutations in colon cancer development

Discovery in mitochondrial DNA of colon cancer cells may open new avenues for cancer therapy, early detection and monitoring treatment response
News ReleasesJune 07, 2012
Brain cell migration may offer clues to cancer metatasis

Brain cell migration may offer clues to cancer metatasis

Cooper, Jossin find surprising new role for N-cadherin; finding could shed light on how normal and cancerous cells migrate within the body
Hutch NewsApril 25, 2011