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New computational tools widen horizons for liquid biopsies
Methods allow scientists to use gene regulation patterns to detect cancer subtype in cell-free DNA

Surprising discovery: Decreased mitochondrial mutations in colon cancer
Hutchinson Center finding sheds new light on genetic mutations in cancer development; may open new avenues for cancer therapy, early detection and monitoring treatment response

Study challenges previously held beliefs about the role of genetic mutations in colon cancer development
Discovery in mitochondrial DNA of colon cancer cells may open new avenues for cancer therapy, early detection and monitoring treatment response

Early detection efforts yield nearly $17 million
Awards fund network coordination and biomarker discovery, validation

Researchers identify biomarkers of early-stage pancreatic cancer in mice and man
Findings bring scientists a big step closer to developing a blood test for early detection

Aspirin significantly reduces esophageal-cancer risk in people with most-aggressive form of Barrett's esophagus
Study also identifies biomarkers that predict which patients are most likely to get cancer

Paul G. Allen Family Foundation funds $5 million early cancer-detection project
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Tasked to Prove the Potential of Biomarker Research