Hutch News

Indels: not merely a nuisance in protein evolution

Indels: not merely a nuisance in protein evolution

From the Malik Lab in the Division of Basic Science at Fred Hutch and Tenthorey Lab at UCSF
Science SpotlightJuly 24, 2024
Dr. Anat Zimmer receives AAUW fellowship

Dr. Anat Zimmer receives AAUW fellowship

Fred Hutch computational biologist who relocated from Israel will receive support while investigating cancer genomics
Hutch NewsOctober 13, 2022
Holland receives NCI Outstanding Investigator Award

Holland receives NCI Outstanding Investigator Award

Neuroscientist will tackle genetic abnormalities that drive cancers and could be therapeutic targets
Hutch NewsOctober 29, 2021
Surprising discovery: Decreased mitochondrial mutations in colon cancer

Surprising discovery: Decreased mitochondrial mutations in colon cancer

Hutchinson Center finding sheds new light on genetic mutations in cancer development; may open new avenues for cancer therapy, early detection and monitoring treatment response
Hutch NewsJune 11, 2012