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Mammogram vans remove barriers that people face accessing breast cancer screening
Fred Hutch focuses on improving screening in under-resourced communities

2 women with breast cancer share their perspectives on living with the disease
During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Leah Marcoe and Maria Pearson reflect on their experiences

'Unmasking' lurking cancer with 3-D mammograms
New study highlights cost effectiveness of adding 3-D imaging for women with dense breast tissue

‘I have the chance to fight back’: Choosing a preventive double mastectomy
How one BRCA1-positive woman decided to have both breasts removed to lower her risk of breast cancer

To BSE or not to BSE? What you need to know about breast self-exams
What you need to know about breast self-exam and self-awareness

Puget Sound-area African-American breast cancer survivors, oncology professionals needed for Fred Hutch focus groups
Goal is to develop recommendations for a culturally sensitive patient-navigator program

¿Qué dices? Ocho cosas que no debe — o sí debe — decir a un paciente con cáncer
Una paciente y una oncóloga ofrecen consejos durante el mes de concienciación sobre el cáncer de mama

Click Wine Group and Fat Bastard Wine Company Continue Unwavering Support of Breast Cancer Research and Education
Goal to Raise $50,000 in Third Consecutive Year of the Breast Cancer Donation Program

From Self-exams To Mammograms — What's a Woman To Do?
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month