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Por tu salud: Información y recursos para ti y quienes más quieres (Spanish translations)
Conoce más sobre la vida con cáncer de mama, cómo cuidar de tu salud en temporadas de gripe y más

Answers to cancer, and now COVID-19
NCI’s Cancer Information Service, housed at the Hutch, fills a vital gap between patient and provider, especially amid a pandemic

Spinning science: Overhyped headlines, snarled statistics lead readers astray
Tips and tools to help you better understand cancer risk, scientific research and clinical studies

Keto, fat and cancer: It's complicated
New research points to low fat for a longer life, but some patients are bumping up fat to keep cancer away. Is that smart?

Cancer patients find clinical trials, hope and help
#NWMetsConf connects metastatic breast cancer patients with trials, treatments, tools and each other

Palliative care can be beneficial for all cancer patients
Stigma keeps many cancer patients from using a service that offers much-needed help to the sick as well as the dying

Vivir con un diagnóstico de estadio 4: el cáncer de mama que nadie entiende
En una cultura que se centra en la supervivencia, las personas con cáncer de mama metastásico que recibirán tratamiento por el resto de su vida se pueden sentir aisladas y mal entendidas.

The cancer waiting game: When the recommended treatment is nothing
For patients who choose ‘watch and wait,’ putting off treatment can be a relief — and a source of stress

Say what? Medical jargon leaves cancer patients feeling lost in translation
Say what?! Confusing medical jargon and topsy-turvy language can leave a lot of patients feeling lost in translation

Being pregnant — and diagnosed with cancer
Inaugural retreat explores painful issues, unanswered questions surrounding cancer, fertility and pregnancy

Researching your cancer online: dive in or steer clear?
Some patients feel control over disease by scouring Web; others stoke hope by staying off Internet

'Coming out' with cancer: Patients, experts discuss ins and outs of sharing a diagnosis
From going public on Facebook to friends who ‘ghost,’ patients and experts discuss the ins and outs of sharing a diagnosis

Cancer treatment quackery fuels concern among doctors, FDA
Be wary of possible side effects, drug interactions when using alternative health supplements, physicians caution

More than hair: Cancer researcher with cancer writes about identity
A cancer researcher with cancer writes about family, identity and being outed by her own hair

It’s not cheating: Why oncologists want you to get a second opinion
Second (or third or fourth) opinions don’t always change cancer treatment, but they’re still important, experts say

Hope on trial: One cancer patient's experience in clinical study
Why do patients take part in cancer clinical trials? Ask Wendy Ramsey

¿Qué dices? Ocho cosas que no debe — o sí debe — decir a un paciente con cáncer
Una paciente y una oncóloga ofrecen consejos durante el mes de concienciación sobre el cáncer de mama