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A quarter century of lifesaving discoveries in prostate cancer
Pacific Northwest Prostate Cancer SPORE insights have transformed patient care and understanding of prostate cancer biology, supported drug discovery worldwide

Does prostate cancer have a goldilocks mentality when it comes to androgens?
From the Nelson lab, Human Biology and Clinical Research Divisions

Structural landscape of DNA and precision medicine, firm handshake
From the Ha lab, Public Health Sciences and Human Biology Divisions

New study reveals weakness in emerging type of aggressive prostate tumor
Tumors that turn off androgen receptor may have turned on new drug target

Targeted therapies push metastatic prostate cancer in new directions
Combination therapy could help stave off new “escape variant” of disease that arises in response to powerful treatments

Tailoring treatment for prostate cancer
Hutchinson Center researchers and Duke University colleagues discover a genomic signature that may allow doctors to individualize therapy for men with metastatic prostate cancer

Research explains how advanced prostate cancer becomes resistant to androgen-deprivation therapy
Findings suggest androgen production occurs within metastatic prostate tumors