Hutch News

BRCA1/2: Why men should be screened for the “breast cancer gene”

BRCA1/2: Why men should be screened for the “breast cancer gene”

New research shows that men can carry mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that increase their risk of several cancers, but new national guidelines are helping to educate patients
Hutch NewsJuly 25, 2024
Testing without context

Testing without context

Nearly two-thirds of women who get tested for BRCA mutations don’t receive genetic counseling first
Hutch NewsOctober 01, 2015
False positives in prenatal tests: Study reveals reason for flaws

False positives in prenatal tests: Study reveals reason for flaws

Harmless variations in mothers’ DNA can trigger false positives in screen for chromosomal defects; study points to immediate fix test manufacturers can make
Hutch NewsApril 06, 2015