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Infectious disease scientists look beyond the pandemic
A symposium about protecting people with weakened immune systems from microbial threats

CMV breakthrough and resistance to antiviral drug after blood stem cell transplants
From Dr. Danniel Zamora and the Boeckh Group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Computational kinetic modeling informs on uORF buffering activity
From the Geballe and Subramaniam labs, Human Biology and Basic Sciences Divisions

Modeling of human cytomegalovirus infection dynamics in patients
From the Schiffer lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

A lasting impression: CMV exposure imprints donor T cell phenotypes
From the Hill Lab, Clinical Research Division

From the freezers, a speedier way to evaluate antiviral drugs
Lookback research showed today’s ‘viral load’ measurements and machine learning quickly mirrored outcomes of older, slower trials

Dr. Anna Wald lauded by Infectious Diseases Society
Virologist will deliver prestigious John F. Enders Lecture during annual conference

Infectious Diseases Society to honor Dr. Michael Boeckh
Hutch virus expert to deliver John F. Enders Lecture at Washington, D.C., conference

Eight promising projects win Evergreen Fund grants to promote commercialization of research
A dozen scientists to receive up to $200K from 3-year-old Fred Hutch program

Scientists learn how common virus reactivates after transplantation
New Science paper describes how antibody-producing B cells, not disease-fighting T cells, protect against reactivation of cytomegalovirus

Rethinking an old viral foe
Why does a common virus plague bone marrow transplant patients? New study challenges dogma, opens door to new therapies.

With approval of new CMV drug for transplant patients, a legacy continues
Tissue samples from a clinical trial conducted decades ago yield new insights and treatments

Adam Geballe elected AAAS Fellow
Hutch virologist honored for revealing key players in molecular ‘arms race’ between viruses and hosts

Drs. Colleen Delaney, Harlan Robins named 2016 Leaders in Health Care
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements