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Gut microbes dictate donor T cell expansion and graft-versus-host disease risk after stem cell transplantation
From the Hill Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Depleting exhausted T cells enables memory T cells to be activated and fight blood cancer
From the Hill Lab, Clinical Research Division

Dispatches from the microbial frontier of cancer research
Hutch scientists aim high by way of the lowly microorganisms that call us home

A lasting impression: CMV exposure imprints donor T cell phenotypes
From the Hill Lab, Clinical Research Division

GM-CSF potentiates acute graft-versus-host-disease
From the Hill lab, Clinical research Division

Mystery solved: How graft-vs.-host disease starts in the gut
Microbiome triggers top killer after bone marrow transplant — and there’s a potential way to stop it

Eight promising projects win Evergreen Fund grants to promote commercialization of research
A dozen scientists to receive up to $200K from 3-year-old Fred Hutch program