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Decisions, decisions: factors that impact HCT outcomes in AML
From the Walter Group, Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Division

Revaccination beliefs and behaviors in transplant survivors
From the UW School of Nursing in collaboration with the Long-Term Follow-Up Program, Clinical Research Division

Mutations remain one-in-a-million after HCT
From the Storb Group, Clinical Research Division

A charming model: new tool evaluates risk of transplant for older patients
Seven values are evaluated to predict outcomes

A new era of COVID-19 brings new outlooks for cellular therapy recipients
From the Liu Group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Graft-versus-host disease outcomes improving for all Fred Hutch patients
From the Long-Term Follow-Up Research Group, Clinical Research Division

Age or HLA? Helping doctors pick the best blood stem cell donors for their patients
From Drs. Rohtesh Mehta and Stephanie Lee, Clinical Research Division

Gut microbes dictate donor T cell expansion and graft-versus-host disease risk after stem cell transplantation
From the Hill Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Life after stem cell transplant: Finding ways to improve survivors’ transition back to work.
From Dr. Rachel Salit and colleagues, Clinical Research Division

Safety and feasibility approved for new therapy to treat relapsed hematologic malignancies
From the Bleakley Lab, Translational Science & Therapeutics Division

Secret to tamping down GVHD may lie in microbial genetics
Preclinical bone marrow transplant study shows donor immune cells that target recipient microbiome can influence GVHD severity

COVID-19 prior to cellular therapy is likely not a cause for alarm.
From the Hill Group, Clinical Research Division and Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Microbial cell-free DNA may help predict transplantation outcomes
From the Markey Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

HLA haplotype allelic variations can influence leukemia recurrence after blood stem cell transplantation
From the Petersdorf Group, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Bone marrow transplant increases risk of cardiovascular disease and developing insulin resistance.
From Drs. Tyler Ketterl, Scott Baker and colleagues, Clinical Research Division

When more isn’t more for AML patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant
From the Walter and Storb Labs, Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Division

Caregivers know compassion is critical; staying organized is, too
One woman shares tips on caring for a spouse going through blood cancer treatment

Una célula extraña: detección de macrófagos procedentes de donantes en el cerebro de personas receptoras de trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas
Del Laboratorio Loeb, División de Ciencia Traslacional y Terapéutica

Odd cell out: detecting donor-derived macrophages in the brains of hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients
From the Loeb Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division