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Decisions, decisions: factors that impact HCT outcomes in AML
From the Walter Group, Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Division

Testing cord blood transplants as a cure for leukemia — and HIV
New clinical trial at several U.S. cancer centers will enroll people living with HIV and advanced leukemia

Fred Hutch holiday gala raises more than $13 million for pediatric cancer research
Fred Hutch Holiday Gala brings in more than $13 million to grow pediatric cancer research and develop needed therapies for children

Umbilical cord blood transplant linked to lower relapse in high-risk leukemia patients
Study compares ‘alternative’ donor source vs. traditional transplantation of blood stem cells from an adult, unrelated donor

'Something everyone can get': New spinoff to commercialize cord blood stem cell therapies
New Fred Hutch spinoff to commercialize cord blood stem cell therapies based on work by Drs. Colleen Delaney, Irwin Bernstein

Cord blood: 'The biggest blessing ever'
Cord blood: a lifesaving option for those in need of a transplant but cannot find a matched donor

Gratitude, guilt and surviving cancer
<p>Living through cancer is life-changing — often in unimagined and challenging ways, says leukemia survivor Jessie Quinn</p>

'It made me more grateful'
An extraordinary girl contends with a rare, life-threatening blood disease — and undergoes a made-to-order clinical study in cord-blood transplantation