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Switching sides: How MLL-rearranged leukemias leverage oncoproteins to evade treatment
From the Henikoff Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Decisions, decisions: factors that impact HCT outcomes in AML
From the Walter Group, Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Division

Cracking the sparkle code
Fred Hutch cancer biologist wins V Foundation Scholar Award to explore role of protein sugaring in leukemia tumors that survive chemotherapy

Boosting the effectiveness of CAR T-cell therapies against AML
Dr. Erik Kimble wins award from the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy

From predicted neoantigen to T cell therapy for acute myeloid leukemia
From the Bleakley Lab, Cancer Consortium and Translational Science & Therapeutics Division

Retired Oregon cardiologist chose proton therapy for choroidal melanoma treatment
Patient overcomes two cancers in five years

Blood cancer experts Drs. Roland Walter and Mazyar Shadman receive endowed chairs
Chairs recognize innovation and contributions to blood cancer research

Flipping out to develop an intracellular protein-targeting CAR T cell therapy to treat AML
From the Meshinchi Lab, Clinical Research and Translational Science and Therapeutics Divisions.

Project Stella enables novel pediatric AML immunotherapies, potential cure
Fred Hutch's Dr. Soheil Meshinchi's lab identifies potential drug while also developing immunotherapy thanks to fundraising

Hit the “reset” button on acquired drug resistance of cancer cells
From the Bradley Lab, Public Health Sciences and Basic Sciences Divisions and collaborating Abdel-Wahab Lab, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Models of pediatric acute megakaryoblastic leukemia lead to new potential therapies
From the Meshinchi Lab, Clinical Research Division

Blood and Marrow Transplant Reunion returns to Fred Hutch
Hundreds gather in Seattle to celebrate life, science and cancer survivorship

Subverting the immunoproteasome in acute myeloid leukemia
From the Chapuis and Greenberg Labs, Clinical Research Division

Engaging cancer cells in a high stakes game of spot the imposter
From the Bradley Lab, Public Health Sciences and Basic Sciences Divisions

Testing cord blood transplants as a cure for leukemia — and HIV
New clinical trial at several U.S. cancer centers will enroll people living with HIV and advanced leukemia

Novel transplant approach improves the odds for leukemia patients
Naïve T cells that lead to graft-vs.-host disease removed with magnets