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Swing and a hit! RecB contacts RecC to repair DNA breaks
From the Smith Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Taking a closer look at DNA double-strand break hotspots
From the Smith Lab, Basic Sciences Division

LinE proteins lead the way in DNA break hotspot determination
From the Smith Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Taking the long way ‘round: the circuitous molecular route to DNA repair
From the Smith Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Is that a Chi site? How to fool a smart enzyme
From the Smith Laboratory, Basic Sciences Division

How chromosomes find a happy medium
Hutch scientists show how chromosomes communicate to balance crossovers during sex-cell formation

Protein plays traffic cop during sex-cell formation
Hutch scientists solve 88-year-old genetic mystery: how sex cells avoid having the wrong number of chromosomes

Super drugs for superbugs: Creative ways to combat antibiotic resistance
New discoveries could overcome antibiotic development stalemate, stay ahead of bacteria’s steady march toward drug resistance

Reflecting on the gift of life, 25 years later
Looking back on a Fred Hutch employee’s bone marrow milestone

Smith antibiotics study wins Gates grant
The $100,000 one-year grant will fund the development of a new class of antimicrobial drugs to treat TB and limit the evolution of resistance to antibiotics

A heart for the art of science
Center veteran and early bone-marrow donor is known for his art, excellence and generous 'character'