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Mechanical coupling helps microtubules coordinate chromosomal separation
From the Asbury lab, University of Washington and Biggins lab, Fred Hutch Basic Sciences Division, Cancer Consortium Cancer Basic Biology Program

Mps1: A new referee in a game of cellular tug-of-war
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

How chromosomes find a happy medium
Hutch scientists show how chromosomes communicate to balance crossovers during sex-cell formation

Protein plays traffic cop during sex-cell formation
Hutch scientists solve 88-year-old genetic mystery: how sex cells avoid having the wrong number of chromosomes

Dr. Emily Hatch named 2018 Rita Allen Foundation Scholar
She is recognized for her research on the rupture and repair of nuclear membranes that may cause cancer and other diseases

The same but different: reconciling the diversity of centromeres with their highly conserved function
From the Henikoff Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Fred Hutch researcher Sue Biggins awarded the Genetics Society of America’s Novitski Prize
Award recognizes extraordinary level of creativity and intellectual ingenuity in solving significant problems in genetics research