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Sorting out the truth about aspirin
Aspirin may cut pancreatic cancer risk, but should everyone take it?

Researchers identify four genetic variants that are linked to esophageal cancer and its precursor, Barrett’s esophagus - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Findings from the first large-scale, genome-wide association study of esophageal adenocarcinoma may lead to new screening tools for those at high risk

Esophageal cancer risk reduced by lifestyle factors - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month

Hutchinson Center researcher secures $7.9 million NCI grant for esophageal cancer research
Study to evaluate genetic risk for Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma

Belly fat linked to Barrett's esophagus
PHS study links central body weight, precancerous condition

Farwell Award won by a 'friend'
Berta Nicol-Blades receives honor for 30 years of diligent, compassionate service to PHS Division's Epidemiologic Research Unit

Fighting cancer with NSAIDs
Regular use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce esophageal-cancer risk for people with Barrett's esophagus