Hutch News

 Accuracy of hospital discharge data to identify pregnant women with disabilities

Accuracy of hospital discharge data to identify pregnant women with disabilities

From the Mueller Group, the Division of Public Health Sciences
Science SpotlightMay 18, 2020
Explaining the many kinds of research studies

Explaining the many kinds of research studies

Understanding the many types of research studies can help deflate overhyped reporting
Hutch NewsFebruary 13, 2020
Aspirin and its cousins linked to longer survival after colorectal cancer

Aspirin and its cousins linked to longer survival after colorectal cancer

Large study of preventive drugs for colorectal cancer survivors finds link to decreased mortality — but only for those with certain tumor genetics
Hutch NewsJune 15, 2017
Fred Hutch IT expert leaves legacy of learning for young public health researchers

Fred Hutch IT expert leaves legacy of learning for young public health researchers

Former Fred Hutch IT expert, whose own education was cut short, leaves funds used to establish an endowment to help young scientists continue theirs
Hutch NewsMay 11, 2017
Zika virus: 6 key things we don’t yet know

Zika virus: 6 key things we don’t yet know

From lack of data to inconclusive blood tests to the unique challenges of pregnancy, experts weigh in on the knowledge gaps in this emerging infection
Hutch NewsFebruary 02, 2016