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Tricking cells into trashing cancer
Fred Hutch chemical biologist rapidly reduces lung tumors in mice with a tagging system that grabs cancer-causing proteins and hauls them out with the molecular trash

Priming the pump for future funding
Fred Hutch postdoctoral researchers win NIH training fellowship for pancreatic cancer and kinetochore projects

The Beam: Proton therapy for rare cancers, an in-depth look at our team coordinators’ role and meet new medical assistant
Proton therapy’s role in the treatment of less common cancer, learn what proton therapy coordinators do and an introduction to Jade Duke, MA

Tackling an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer
Dr. Stephanie Dobersch awarded American Cancer Society Fellowship to study genetics of basal pancreatic adenocarcinoma

New techniques, collaborations push patient-focused precision oncology forward
$5.4M NCI award supports Dr. Chris Kemp’s multi-disciplinary discovery platform for cancer-therapy targets

Two cans and a string: cancer cells can communicate with neighboring cells
From Dr. Bo Tu, Clinical Research Division

Who takes care of the caregiver?
Self-care guidance for caregivers during National Family Caregivers Month

Dr. Sita Kugel receives V Foundation Translational Research Award
Grant makes possible a clinical trial of targeted treatment for pancreatic cancer

Functionalizing the genome to find novel pancreatic cancer treatments
From the Kemp Lab, Human Biology Division

Overcoming exhaustion: Engineered T-cells and pancreas cancer
From the Greenberg Lab, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutch and the Stromnes Lab, University of Minnesota

Science Says: Fearless science
Immunotherapy, equity in colorectal cancer and the latest on the COVID-19 virus's omicron variant

Seeking targeted treatments for pancreatic cancer
American Cancer Society fellowship to Dr. Nithya Kartha supports search for vulnerabilities in most aggressive pancreatic tumor subtype

Fred Hutch Evergreen Fund awards six grants to promising projects
Scientists receive up to $200K to boost research for projects deemed to have partnership potential